
Not that bad..

I hate dressing up. I'm not one for business suits and curled hair, but for some reason, my department feels that you're not professional if you don't own a pin-stripe business suit. My black pants and sweater is not enough, and God forbid I actually let my work speak for me instead of trying to elevate my tits so high that they become earrings and not "mammory canons."

Past couple of weeks have been ok. I received my mid-term grades. Four A's and a B which is freakin' sweet! Met some people that are literally down the road and they seem freakin' sweet, too. Going to see the movie "300" this week (-cough- at least I better, if a certain person knows what is best for his health). All my classes have been canceled on Friday, so spring break starts on Thursday for me. Again, freakin' sweet. To round out the list, there's only two months until I graduate. That's not freakin' sweet; that's awesome like finding a $20 bill in your pocket that you forgot about and balancing your checkbook and realizing you have enough money to pay your bills.

I'm looking for a job this summer. I need something to pay the bills. Ideally, something that works me 40 hours a week and in my field, but I'll substitute the "in my field" clause if times get desperate. I have to find something quick, because my credit card bill needs to get paid down. I guess I need to start sending out resumes like "my ass is on sale and the rent is due TONIGHT."

The to-do list is getting longer by the day, but in two days, that list should be empty. Or at least it better be or I'm screwed. As long as I can make it pass this week, there should be easy sailing for a little while at least.

Well, the time has come for me to hop in the shower and get ready for class. I'm having to dress up for the second time in two weeks. I'm sure the devil is wearing a parka, because I'm having to put on make-up for the second day in a row, and we both know that if that happens, Hell has officially frozen over.

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