
Killing time..

I'm doing one of things that I never thought I would do. Blogging at work. -gasp!- It's been an interesting day. I've accomplished many things off my ever-expanding "To Do" list.

The computer center installed Adobe CS2 on our computers today along with our RAM. However, when he installed everything he completely wiped out a paper that I was working on, and it wasn't saved, so know I have to start from scratch. Wonderful.

I have an academic speaker to go to tonight with WY. Again, I don't want to go, but I need to go if I want to keep my scholarship. Also, I have to write my big Honor Seminar paper before the semester is up, but hooray, it's my last one, ever. (Note to self, ctrl+u does not underline.) I figured it would be pretty interesting, because it's something about history, and hey! what do you know? I'm a history minor.

(Another note to self: Tell WY that my desk, his desk and HR's desk have all become his desk, because his shit is everywhere.)

Just for those of you who want to share my pain with me for a moment, the notorious:


Write History 414 paper on the Black Plague
Watch one more movie review for History 122
Write 2 movie review for History 122
Write book review for History 122 over Josephine Bonaparte
Read Scorecard and write article for Rachel
Follow-up on G4 channel (if there's any story)
Attend academic speaker (which I'm doing tonight)
Write 8-10 page honors paper on some random topic
Make demonstration speech on how to make fudge
Get pledge folder together
Write pledge journal (due in an hour)
Put together caterpillar for meeting
Email professors about magazine payroll
Do extra credit for Film Appreciation
Buy 2 blank maps at Bookstore and study for Map quiz for History 122.
Make sure CS2 transfered all presets, if not, call The Jackson Sun pronto
Somehow help throw together a website by tomorrow

Note to readers: This all has to be done in the next week.....

See why I'm sprinting toward a burn-out? Now, bring my chocolate and coffee and make me feel better. Please...don't make me beg. I'm not cute when I beg.

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