
"Condemned killer wants to go out with joke"


You can read the story yourself, but the gist of the story is that a man on death row in Texas wants his final words to be a joke.

Some people consider telling a joke insensitive to the victims he murdered.

I can see where people would think this is insensitive. It appears to anyone watching that he's not the least bit remorseful about the crimes he committed. However, while a part of me is a bit weirded out by telling a joke, another part of me can't help but to tilt my head to the side and think about why a man wants the last sound he hears to be, hopefully, a laugh.

I highly doubt anyone will laugh. But I also think people who apologize and make excuses for the crimes before they are executed are just as insensitive. No amount of "I'm sorry." and other cliches' will ease the pain of the victim's family.

But what's even more sickening is that the killer is getting free publicity to solicit jokes. I think with the idea of telling a joke and the media picking up the story, he's received exactly what he wanted.

A voice he wouldn't otherwise have.

The situation is highly insensitive to the victims and their families, and, in some aspects, very vulgar. On the other hand, the idea that a killer wants to tell a joke before he dies is somewhat...intriguing.

Now, the question is, will the "powers that be" allow the killer to say the joke? If they don't, it's going to be a hell of a free speech debate.

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